The Workshop #2 was held at the University of Applied Sciences Burgenland (FH Burgenland) on the 19th and 20th January. It was held as a part of a series of workshops provided by the project CONNEXIO. It´s main purpose to connect students from different countries, with different backgrounds, speaking different languages and knowing other cultures has again been fulfilled. Eight students from the University of Pula and eleven students from the FH Burgenland have participated in the two-day workshop in order to improve their language knowledge, learn new skills and meet new people.
On the first day of the workshop, William Charles Qualey IV and Leonardo Siekaup Gualtieri, both native speakers of English language, taught the English terminology used when presenting. The participants had the possibility to learn commonly used phrases for each part of the presentation and to later apply that knowledge by delivering a short speech in front of their classmates. On the second day of the workshop the participants had the chance to polish up their presentation skills. Marko Selenic, an expert in public speaking, taught the class about rhetoric and body language, both components desired while presenting a topic.
After class activities including laser tag game, wine degustation and a party on the last day have brought students even closer together. Informal chats leading to contact exchange or Facebook friendships during those two days reassure us about the success of such a workshop.
The organizers are thankful to the participants and are looking forward to the Workshop #3 which is going to be held in Pula, Croatia.
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