We hereby invite you to our conference of the Project CONEXIO –a cooperation project between the student unions of the University of Applied Sciences Burgenland and of the University of Juraj Do-brila, Pula. The conference is going to be held from January 22, 2019 until January 23, 2019 at the University of Applied Sciences Burgenland.

The Workshop #2 was held at the University of Applied Sciences Burgenland (FH Burgenland) on the 19th and 20th January. It was held as a part of a series of workshops provided by the project CONNEXIO.

Workshop #1 is the first worskhop which was held as a part of the project CONNEXIO - cooperation project between the University of Applied Sciences Burgenland (FH Burgenland) the University in Pula. Workshop #1 was held on the 1st and 2nd December on the FH Burgenland.

We are inviting students from all Bachelor and Master study programmes to apply for participation in the workshop #1 which is organized We are inviting students from all Bachelor and Master study programmes to apply for participation in the workshop #1 which is organized as a part of the project CONNEXIO – a cooperation project between Student Unions of University of Applied Sciences Burgenland and University of Juraj Dobrila Pula.